The Blog of Damocles

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Friday, May 26, 2006

Bad Omens

"I'm the decider, and I decide what's best" - our President, Mr. English.
With the election season well and truly upon us (at least for those of you in states where seats might be contested) I begin to wonder about issues of political subterfuge. Certainly Rummygate will most likely be resolved by early June with 1) stirring military pronouncements of his worth or 2) his replacement and scapegoating in order to refocus on the upcoming election. What appears to be more worrisome is the media circus surrounding the release of the film United 93.
This film, about the flight that crashed in PA on 9/11 (for those of you living on another planet for the past 5 years, you lucky bums), seems to me more political ploy than cathartic exploration. Due for release on April 28th and produced by Universal Studios (at least it's not FOX) the film depicts what were no-doubt heroic actions by the passengers of the "fourth flight". The picture's website ( is an interesting combination of half-tone distinctly arabic sounding background music, airplane photo-montages, and subtle pixelshaded text reading "Never Forget". Throughout the documentation on the film are supporting quotes from family members of those who were on the flight that day. That sort of endorsement is hard to argue with (but I will).
The film is shot in real time - giving everyone a "cinema veritae" experience of the fear and chaos that probably happened. Fear, chaos, and hate..... Boy doesn't that sound like a particular line of reasoning about terrorism/Iraq/immigration policy/"gay marriage".....
I'm afraid that this film will serve as a rallying call to the Republican base, to "Stand United" (gosh what is United paying for this film anyway?). More than a rallying call for political purposes however, the impression is that the film is a rallying call for those who see the continuation of the war in Iraq as the heroic struggle to bring the fight to the terrorists - in fact the implication is that this sort of action (in Iraq) is one of heroism at all levels President to Private. I would assert that this implication is intentional as the producer is known for sponsoring "superheroic" movies with Nietzsche-esque Ubermensch characters (Hellboy, Tombraider, TimeCop, Die Hard 2, Predator 2, etc.)
But those are just my thoughts, I'd say I'll write more after I see the film - but I'm not sure I will see the film at all.


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