Bach'n it

So the "little lady" (oh, I'm so dead) is at Ferrum for June, which means a variety of things:
1) I will become reaquainted with the hot dog - probably occaisionally even meeting the mythical cold hot dog (innabun)
2) I get to watch all those guy movies I'm too embarrassed to rent otherwise. Tonight's flick, LeMans.... Steve McQueen.... nuff said
3) Bedtime now varies between 11pm and 3 am. Although strangely morning still comes at 7. ouch.
4) The lawnmower actually gets fixed.... mostly out of boredom (note: garden also gets weeded-though that was done out of a basic guy compulsion not to have to talk to the other male roomate)
5) I tend to not watch TV - which is odd, and will definitely change once the World Cup begins.
6) I spend an inordinate amount of time on craigslist looking for that elusive $50 Harley.
7) Shaving? What's that?
8) The dog has developed a real attitude towards what I owe her in terms of walking, food, time now that the Alpha member of the household has left. That's right, I may be an alpha male, but I'm a delta dog.
um. little??? lady???
the dog is so the beta one, but now she is making sure that you remember she can kick your a** with whining
you are so weak when it comes to bad breath and wet noses
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