Sickness and death - but not in that order...
Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier
Though it won popular and critical ('97 National Book Award) acclaim upon it's release this book was not one that I particularly enjoyed. It appears to have all the makings of a great story, the Homeric journey of a returning soldier plagued by gods and man, all set in the vastness of the 19th century's wilderness and brutality. I hesitate to use the term "romanticism", and it is entirely possible that I have misread the author's intention - however my enjoyment was hampered by the feeling that Frazier was trying to elicit a canned response by means of imagery that appears to be mere cliche to me. Perhaps I just don't like the Southern Americana idiom; this may be the case as I am not particularly fond of Faulkner. That being said the story can be moving, if you are only looking for a good story this would be fine, and it is probably good vacation reading. However, this is not a particularly weighty or thoughtful book about America's bloodiest war, but rather a love story... and perhaps that is why I didn't like it. The movie captures the tenor of the book close enough - despite casting a Brit and an Aussie as the star-crossed southern lovers.
Rating: B-
The Red Badge of Courage
The Killer Angels
The Coming Plague - Laurie Garrett
If paranoia is your bag (and yes I liked V for Vendetta
Rating: B+
Related: (see also Machupo, Ebola, AIDS, Yambuku, Swine Flu, Influenza, Typhoid, Malaria, etc etc etc....)
The Hot Zone
Where There is No Doctor
Good to know about Cold Mt. - I saw the movie and cried, cried, cried - sometimes it feels good, you should try it! (I'm teasing) :-) What is it about mountains and tragedy? Cold or Brokeback, they just make us sad.
The hidden word makes me think of Greyhound: asmbus
Dudes I hate to break it to you guys, but that movie sucked. And not just a little bit. It sucked hard.
Why? Because Donald Sutherland's fake southern accent was absolutely heinous. It made me want to throw up. That did it for me.
It's almost as bad as the fake British accent Natalie Portman occasionally uses in V for Vendetta.
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