The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Friday, November 10, 2006


OK so I'm not entirely a bad prognosticator. On April 12th I laid out a variety of ways the election could go (reposted in May here) oddly based around Rumsfeld's firing or not at any given time - what happened was a mixture of the first and third options.

And Boy-oh-Boy, did Bush and Rumsfeld look alternately mad and upset during the press conference.

One thing, though, does Rummy get an outgoing jab at the president in?

"In this little understood, unfamiliar war, the first war of the 21st century. It is not well known, it is not well understood, it is complex for people to comprehend and I know with certain certainty that over time the contributions you've made will be recorded by history." (so recorded as what? positive or negative - ? )

Things that I'll miss with Rumsfeld gone....
1. His impecable illogic and farsical poetry - that "Known knowns, and unknown knowns and unknown unknowns" business was priceless.
2. The irony of pre-Bush Admin. former business dealings with North Korea (selling weapons and possibly fissile material!!) and Iraq (that shot of Saddam and Rummy shaking hands is classic).
3. Having one less bluster-monkey to be amazed at, and now it looks like Bolton is going too.... alas soon I will only have Congress, the Supreme Court (Scalia!!) and a few amusing state politicians to mock soon. Even K. Harris is gone now - but indeed she was far too easy of a target.


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