The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Friday, May 26, 2006

Cheney Reignites the Cold War

In a speech in Vilnius, Lithuania Dead Eye Dick accused Russia of using their oil and gas as "tools of intimidation or blackmail." (according to the NY Times) He further accused Russian of restricting the rights of it's population:
"In many areas of civil society — from religion and the news media, to advocacy groups and political parties — the government has unfairly and improperly restricted the rights of her people."

Now whether or not these accusations contain a grain of truth is somewhat irrelevant. I believe that Cheney is probably right about Russia's behavior. However, what is relevant here is that Cheney represents an administration that has consistently badgered many countries (Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the various -stans) over oil and gas. But if we really want to get into what is inconsistent in his statements we could approach the irony of an administration who sponsored the USA PARTRIOT Act, hired Tony Snow as spokesperson, paid media mouthpieces for their support (of education policies etc.), supported the rise of the K street project, and has spied on US citizens using the NSA saying anything about another government restricting the rights of "her people".

In the worst of all possible situations, and for the most paranoid of those among the thoughtful Cheney's tirade may be a roundabout method of funding large defense projects. What? How? Well, the logic goes like this, we currently fund a military industrial complex centered around fighting the Cold War (consider the F-22 fighter plane, the Sea Wolf Submarine, large blue water "stealth" destroyers, nuclear bunker-busters, missile defense etc). This military industrial complex (and their lobbyists) does not approve of the War in Iraq as the current asymmetric fight does not imply the need for larger weapons systems but rather for more cross-cultural training and more feet on the ground. By encouraging Russia and China to ally, Cheney resets the stage for another Cold-War scenario - basically the renewed danger of a Major Theater War (MTW), and therefore increased "defense" industry spending.

Sickening isn't it?

In lighter and somewhat bizarre news, in what is calling Nappaquiddick Patrick Kennedy, congressman from RI - and from my experience of living in the "fine" state, a general idiot, crashed his car into a barrier in front of Congress. He claimed he had not been drinking, only taking Ambien (prescribed) and thought he had a vote to attend. This was at 2:45am.


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