The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Interesting Study

Let's get this straight first off.... I do not smoke pot. I do think it may have some medical benefit, however.

There are an interesting set of studies that just came out suggesting that pot is not a gateway drug leading to harder drugs (specifically heroin - despite the experience of one of my early college roomates), furthermore the studies suggest that the amount of pot you have to smoke to raise your risk of cancer is somewhere in the region of 10 joints a day - and that is only an estimate, since cannibinoids tend to be cancer blockers, or inhibitors according to the study.

Oddly enough the studies were by a well know anti drug researcher.... I bet the government won't provide publicity for this one.

It makes you wonder about the FDA's restriction of cannibis for injested (non-smoked) cancer treatment.


Blogger Meghann said... have a major point with this. For a cancer patient in California, she took the marijuana in her last months of life...she had a better appetite (nutrition always an issue for these patients), had very good pain control, and died very peacefully. It didn't cure her, but it certainly improved her quality of life. When will they get with the program???? Vicodin is ok to perscribe & millions of suburban "upper class" people become addicts....while those with cancer have to depend on really harsh meds..morphine & dilaudid..and have very poor pain control, difficulty breathing, and decreased mentation. GO FIGURE.

10:05 AM  

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