The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

.... must be October in an election year....

Oddly enough one of the better overviews of the upcoming election can be found on the BBC, because Brits need to be better informed about our electoral process than we do apparently.

We shall now forever more refer to even year Octobers as Scandaltober.

Though it was "interesting" how Foley was labeled a Democrat on the O'Reilly Factor.... subtle folks, real subtle.

The latest rumor being that the Dems knew about Foley, but didn't release that info until it could do the most harm. Anything is possible, but seriously now, the Dems couldn't organize a game of solitaire if they were left alone with a deck of cards and detailed instructions. If Hastert knew about the emails for 6 months and he is the speaker - who is more to blame - the person who tried to hide it, or the person who brought it up (admittedly late..) at an opportune time? Neither is right.

Even the Rev. Moon's wacky conservative publication that no one reads, The Washington Times, is calling for Hastert's abdication.


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