The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Snow day (finally) - not that EMU was cancelled

Things I saw on the way to work:
- the roads, VDOT was kind enough to scrape down to the point where it
forms a layer of ice an inch thick instead of just leaving the sticky
powder or actually plowing to the blacktop - but of course that would
actually damage the plows they only use once a year anyway and at this
pace should outlast plastic diapers in landfills. Oh and God forbid
anyone use sand around here.
- an accident that shut down the road and forced us to take all unplowed
dirt roads to work, which was fun... no I'm serious, it was.
- a propane truck fishtailing towards me (I think I need new shorts)
- a truck full of turkeys (not the president's tour bus although that
twit is in town too, but an actual truck full of turkeys) slide into a
corner and almost hit a gas station (again with the shorts).
- an 80 year old lady (at least) looking out through the 2 square inches
of scraped window and not seeing my attempt to get her to turn around
before the accident.
- my 60+ year old scary recluse neighbor in her nightgown shoveling off
her porch - eek.

All this while listening to NPR and hearing someone from the Justice
Dept. saying, in effect, that public corruption was job #1. I think
they meant that prosecuting corruption was job #1, but the Freudian slip
may be more correct.


Blogger bug seth tua pip said...

I wish my commutes were as surreal as yours.

8:33 PM  

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