The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Thursday, September 21, 2006

do bee do bee dubious

Bush's reversal of the Clinton roadless policy overturned. Yes, yes, the overturn was overturned.....

Hugo Chavez gives Massachusetts cheap oil for the poor, makes religious gesture before going to the podium, refers to Bush as the devil, says the UN smells of sulfur and then plugs a Chomsky book. You've got to hand it to the guy, he's got nerve, charisma and wildly spinning eyeballs. It's no wonder he has his own radio show in Venezuela.

The U.S. public HATES Congress. Just think, it took the 40 years of the dems controlling Congress to get to this level of public despair - the republicans - 12 years. Good job, boys and girls.

Bush (41) sends in Baker to soften up Jr. on Iraq before the real thrashing begins (post election, of course).

And here is the dubious portion of the blog: Fox has opened a Christian film wing...... so Fox News, Family Guy, Celebrity Duets and a remake of Paradise Lost..... ??!!??

And in very bad news, the UN reports much higher civilian casualties in Baghdad than previously reported for July and August. Also Mr. Bashir - leader of Sudan - referred to any UN intervention as a "Zionist plot" to discredit him and destroy the country. Yeah... I'm sure that's right on the top of the list of things Israel is thinking about....

In related but ambivalent news however, the AU has extended it's weak and ineffective role in Darfur until the end of the year.... thus postponing both full scale genocide.... and full scale prevention.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the Chomsky book at the top of your "must read" list?

Also, why would the government slash the tax incentive for Hybrid buyers when the manufacturer reaches a certain level of hybrid sales for the year? Do they want people to wait until next year to buy when when the credit starts again? I thought they also said we need to become less dependent on oil. What's the deal?

9:58 AM  
Blogger AK said...

No it wasn't on the top of my list - or even on it as I recall. Although I do respect Chomsky's view - usually.

As to the question of hybrid rebates... well there's incentives and then there's the appearance of incentives. The way that it's broken down is particularly vicious for those who buy at the end of a quarter - or for those who buy from automakers who make and sell many hybrid vehicles (read Toyota/Honda or just "foreign" makers). It's an extra incentive to buy American...although I believe the drivetrain still comes from Toyota in Ford's case.

10:07 AM  

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