The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Monday, August 20, 2007


By the way, we have a friend who is making a film in Lesotho. Go check out the trailer, it will be well worth your time.


OK - so why do the books I read not have images on Amazon - but they do on wikipedia?

Anyway.... This is a great littlt book for those of you who are interested in any sort of environmentalism (or the Arctic, or Wolves, or Governmental Bureaucracy/Malfeasence), and on top of that it's really short. Mr. Mowat tells a stirring tale of his research for the Federal Govt. (Canada) studying wolves 300 miles from Churchill in wild northern Canada. He largely refutes most of the "common knowledge" about wolves and writes a great book at the same time. Although according to that great fount of information of dubious veracity it is possible that he made up some of the experiences in this autobiographical work... but who doesn't do that these days (or in 1963).

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

What is a "Bark", anyway?

Ah yes, colonialism.
This fine little book follows the route Capt. James Cook took around the world on his three journeys. It is an interesting story populated with great characters, not least of which is the author and his friend Roger Williamson. Similar to the loutish friend that Bill Bryson travels around with this man is apparently only along to drink in new places and hit on new women. Although Cook is reviled in most polynesian societies as the starter of Western influence, (something he is not altogether guilty of as he was often not the first or the worst), the tone of this book tends to lean slightly towards the man. Granted he has impressive credentials and no deficit of guts to travel in the Bark Endeavour - but I believe a more balanced portrait could have been painted by explaining the resulting colonialization and its impact in more detail. Altogether though, this is an engaging and educational read that actually made me want to visit Hawaii, which normally just seems too warm.....

btw - it will be 100 here today..... oy

Monday, August 06, 2007

true true....

You're Cat's Cradle!

by Kurt Vonnegut

You believe quite firmly that free will deserted you long ago and far
away. As a result, it's hard to take responsibility for anything. Even though you show
great potential as a leader of a small 3rd world country, the choices are all made ahead
of time. You're rather fond of games involving string. Your fear of nuclear weaponry is
trumped only by your fear of ice.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Except that thing about responsibility.... I'm usually the one at work that gets the projects not avoids them.

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog