The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Another car...

Ok - so we need to think about a car here in the next 10 or so months. We're going to try to do the child with 1 car thing and see how that works, but when we do need one we're thinking the upcoming Jetta Sportwagon diesel might be the one (if we can afford it).

Here's a pic ... and here's a link about the new diesel.

And yes.... it is finished.

The new Potter book is amazing and there are many, many reasons why. But I don't want to make the mistake of being the spoiler to whomever of you has not read the book. So go read it yourself.

Here's my theory that Snape is not evil (I'm not giving it away - this was developed prior to this book):
1. Rowling names most of her adult characters after their character type, or some other descriptor.
2. To go "snape hunting" is to go after a prey that is imaginary or fake.
3. Ergo Snape must be a red herring.

So there....

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Yes, Virginia

... we are reading the 7th Harry Potter (one of the better retellings of Chamberlain era British/German/French history out there, by the way)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

And a couple books

Ok this week's book is:

I related to this book far more that I originally suspected I would. Here's the basic summary: boy grows up in rural small-town-America in the mid-80s playing basketball and listening to hair/heavy/glam rock. It's more-or-less my life, except I don't really like KISS. Not that I really like 80's groups like Bon Jovi, Poison, Warrant, Guns N Roses (ok, I actually do like them - but don't tell), Iron Maiden, RATT, etc. but it is really fun to read about them.

Try it out....

And the news

Apparently the church we occasionally go to must be doing something right. Someone tried, unsuccessfully, to burn it down.

Sorry that's all I know.

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog