The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Theory time

I have a theory about the current administration... perhaps I'll expand on it someday, but it seems like all the people the President surrounds himself with fall into two categories:
1. Those who are there because they are architects of policy and neoconservatives. (Most of these are now gone, but the group included Rummy, Rove, and Cheney)
2. Those who are only there to enforce the edicts of group #1. (This is the majority; Chertoff, Ashcroft- briefly, Condi, Gonzales, oh and that guy that's so obscure everyone has forgotten about him, Robert Gates)

I'm sure there's more to be said - however I'm too tired to say much more than that...

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