The Blog of Damocles

The Chronicles of Aaron Employed

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Location: Singers Glen, Virginia, United States

Thursday, July 31, 2008

scariest post apocalyptic post of the day

Man decapitated on Canadian bus

This is truly freaky.

Funny news of the day - not this day, but a day.

Oregon state senator wounded in gun accident

There are several things ironically funny about this incident, all of them make me see the NRA as a bunch of windbag idiots.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Scoop was amazing, this book less so.

How to watch Evelyn Waugh. - By Troy Patterson - Slate Magazine

However, the opening sentence to this piece is perfect, "Evelyn Waugh is the greatest comic novelist of the last 100 years, and
if you somehow dispute this fact, there is simply nothing to be done
for you but a period of house arrest."

Friday, July 25, 2008

My Soul Porpoise

Logos Translations Universal Conjugator

Naturally, language is not my sole purpose, but this site, with this particular word, is rather hilarious.

Nearly as hilarious as learning how to say, "Tá m'árthach foluaineach lán d'eascainn."

Yes, I am 13.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a glut of good movies

And here we are, unable to go.

BBC - Newsbeat - Entertainment - New X-Files film has its premiere - although this link has the worst Gillian Anderson shot ever.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Well, this is interesting

UFO, Radar shows large, fast, unexplained object in Texas

I thought I'd give you something to distract yourself from the upcoming election.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Politics near and far

From the bbc, "Mugabe tells the west to go hang themselves a thousand times."

Again, I was in Zimbabwe a number (in the double digits now) of years ago. It's a horrible tragedy to see the country dissolve into rampant inflation, starvation, political uncertainty, and near civil war. Mugabe came to power after taking part in the successful ouster of the British colonialists in the early 80s. Unfortunately his strong military leadership did not translate into democratic rule. This brings me to the second point; this week Gen. Wes Clark made some asinine statement about McCain's being shot down not serving as an applicable preparation for the oval office.
While this is, for all intents and purposes, a true statement it is about as politically savvy as painting the Cuban flag on your forehead and saying Viva Fidel at a press availability. I wonder at the parallels between Mr. Maverick and Mr. Mugabe. Certainly they are few, but in past presidential races McCain's temper and inability to work with others has been his downfall. Does this inability to negotiate, or even compromise make him a bad candidate?

I hope so, because the countdown to the inevitable election-year meltdown of the democratic party has begun.

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