Buried in the NY Times was a short little article about how the religious right is organizing once again around the issue of Gay Marriage. Now, it would seem that there would be other things that as people of faith they could organize around... say increasing levels of poverty, violence, disease, etc. But these things would not fit within the generally Republican prioritites that certain people want to support. In other words, it's a political ploy to unify a base on an issue that Republicans still hold message control over. Despite the extremely minimal impact this issue actually has compared to .... oh say, foreign and domestic poverty, the war(s), foreign policy (Israel, Iran, North Korea - remember them, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Venezuela, etc.) , medicare, social security, joblessness, rising energy costs, falling educational standards, the astronomically large deficit, AIDS, debt relief, and let us not speak of the Rummy/Condi/Cheney axis of evil.
So if you highlight a minor issue in order to cover up a multitude of sins, does that make the religious right as complicit in lying to the American people as the politicians authoring the schemes?
In other news, my college roomates (and spouses) may have stepped into the river Lethe and forgotten that the "Harvard of the Midwest, Evangelical, Protestant, Non-affliated Schools located in Illinois" moniker was just a joke. So let's see, two Professors (one soon to be at Yale Divinity School), one impending Priest, one minister and director of a camp, and one who apparently is selling their small run-out-of-the-basement business (cha-ching) to some large conglomerate.
Meanwhile I still am ensuring the curve by working at a wine shop.... and blathering on a rarely read website.